Similar 80's movie

Anyone remember an 80's movie with a somewhat similar plot: Two criminals (a man and a woman I think) escape from a futuristic prison. For some reason they have to stay together, either because they are attached to each other somehow or they have bombs implanted in them that will explode if they separate. I don't remember exactly. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


I think your'e talking about Wedlock with Rutger Hauer...


I also think that's the movie and it's a pretty damn good one too !!

Last Movies:- Sherlock Holmes - 4,5/5
- Book of Eli - 4/5
- Daybreakers - 3,5/5


There's another 80s film obviously inspired by this one called Enemy Mine, with Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr.

Also see Hell in the Pacific, with Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune.


There is a similar movie with Laurence Fishburne and the untalanted Boldwin brother called Fled. Its a pretty good movie, but it's not from the 80's its from 1996.


Fled was an actual (attempt) remake of this movie. The others weren't considered to be remakes.

Credo ergo sum


not even the one with robert urich and carl weathers?


I never thought of Enemy Mine as similar, but it was a good movie....


fortress was the implanted bomb in all the prison inmates.christopher lambert movie.
