Oh sh!t! I thought he was screaming out 'Colored!'
Oops! How racist does that make me?
I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
Oops! How racist does that make me?
I asked the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
I'm not a racist and I thought he was calling Cullen "colored" too. I think it was Curtis's pathetic attempt of a Southern accent.
shareSame here. Hell, he called him "boy" and the n-word several times, so why not? I think their names are mentioned briefly near the beginning, so it makes sense that a viewer might not remember Cullen's last name. When Curtis tells the woman his name is "Johnny," I was like, "oh, is it?"
shareI thought that at first, too...
"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
I didn't know that Poitier's character was named "Cullen" until I came here & looked it up. So I also thought Joker was calling him "Colored" the whole time, especially since Cullen made it clear early in the film that he wasn't going to stand for Joker calling him the N-word, so it just seemed that Joker started calling him (the slightly more acceptable, at that time) "Colored".
shareUntil I read this post, I did not know he was saying, "Cullen." I thought he was saying "Colored" the entire time!
Emojis=💩 Emoticons=
Wow!! I'm shocked at the people thinking tony said anything else except " cullen" it doesn't make anyone racist, as the OP states. But colored has never been a singular noun to describe anybody. Boy? The n- word? Yeah, people would use that singular to describe a black male back then. Colored was used as an adjective, or in a group. Never would you see an old racist sheriff going up to a black man saying "hey colored, what are YOU doing on this side of town?"