I've never thought Paul Newman a particularly good looking man; it's his vivid blue eyes that makes people overrate his looks
by - HarlowMGM on Sat Jun 12 2010 21:47:08
It's not just the eyes, it's his smile.
Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart
by - buckshot69 on Sun Aug 22 2010 00:47:01
Interesting choice I defintely think Jimmy Stewart is very attractive but I always thought it was more to do with that amazing charisma he had, more than traditional leading man looks.
Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow
by - Thorn_Harvestar on Sat Sep 11 2010 23:14:23
Gwyneth Paltrow? Really? I've never understood her appeal as an actress, never mind based on appearances. But each to their own I guess
I actually never really understood the Liz Taylor appeal until this film. Maybe it was because I hd seen next to none of her early films but I just didn't get it. At least until this film and then it was just...wow!