MovieChat Forums > Bell Book and Candle (1958) Discussion > Water, Love, and Tears (*Spoiler)

Water, Love, and Tears (*Spoiler)

The thing about witches never crying and floating on water is just silly and strange. Wiccans are all about the elements, including water. Besides, how are they supposed to eat, drink, and take a bath? That's one of the only things I didn't like, that and the part when the aunt says joyfully "burn down her house" that's just messed up. It's also disappointing that a witch would lose her powers when she fell in love. If I remade this films I'd change those things.

"This is what a Feminist looks like."



I agree. I really think the idea that witches would lose their powers when they fall in love is the most upsetting. Witchcraft is about balance as much as it is about the elements. One can't have balance without the ability to love. It was very frustrating to me too, that she changed her shop and her entire style of dress. She went from black and bold colors to white and wispy. Suddenly becoming "human" means her interests change? That doesn't make sense at all. Obviously it reflects the sensibilities of the 50s when the film was made, but I think a modern version should definitely change things.

It's so stimulating being your hat!


This problem with the movie is, as you said, a lot more about the times, and the ideals for women at that time. She was "unfeminine" as a witch, because she was independent, so she wore pants and sold masks (which hide your real self). She says "I'm not ready to settle down" and Jimmy Stewart goes "That's the man's remark, usually!" Then when she loses her powers she ends up in the frilly dress and selling sea shells (a feminine symbol). The only part of the film I don't like. It looks like the "feminine mystique". She's used to flying halfway around the world in the blink of an eye*, and she's going to be happy and satisfied scrubbing floors? I wouldn't do that even for Jimmy Stewart.

*You didn't believe a word of that story about how they got up on top of the Flatiron Building, did you? Neither did I.

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