When Kim made the tea

Anybody notice that scene where Gillian (Kim Novak) was in the kitchen making a pot of tea? She put eight heaping teaspoons of tea into a small pot, and then poured in barely a cup of water. Yikes, that's some mighty strong tea, lady!

Maybe she was momentarily confused, and thought she was preparing a witch's brew. lol


I just watched that scene and, after counting the heaping tablespoons, silently prayed that no one would actually drink tea that strong. Holy cow!


Not only would it make you piss like a racehorse, but, a cup of that tea would permanently stain your teeth!


Ha Ha!! That is why I love coming to these boards...

We seem to think alike!!

Lovely apartment, but a sh**hole of a kitchen!


I just watched this movie tonight. i noticed too how many scoops of tea she put in the pot and then poured a small amount of water in the cup.guess it is hard to act and make tea at the same time.


That's New York for you.


cold water too by the look of it. I notice that she followed protocol initially by 'apparently' warming the teapot.

Kim Novak though....prrrrrr


I noticed it too and made a comment to my wife about it.
However I think it may have been a continuity error.
I think she put 4 in but it was filmed 2 times. Notice there are 4 scoops from one angle and 4 from another.
However, even this would have been too much for two cups of tea.
