MovieChat Forums > Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958) Discussion > Things I learned by watching AOT50FW

Things I learned by watching AOT50FW

-- 1. For a giant ( especially a 50 foot woman ) bed sheets makes for handy and just right 2 piece bathing suit like clothing . -- 2. " Uranium eck ! " -- 3. Never cheat on your wife especially when she's 50 feet tall . -- 4. Transparent Aliens are grabby and like large diamond necklaces on earth women . -- 6. " She finally got Harry all to herself " . -- 7. " Everyone sees satellites " ( but not bright round ones in the middle of the desert road with 30 foot giant aliens in them ? ) . -- 8. All the ladies in this movie are great screamers .


I'm sitting here watching this movie now on TCM. I also saw it when I was a little kid when it was first released and I am remembering things that went on during that time. For example, I remember that in the first part of the movie they have the sheriff standing around out in the desert looking for the giant alien. All at once you see a hand land on his back. It seemed like everyone in the theater jumped when that happened. Then all at once we see it's the deputy and he says "Did ya find anything?" and every one laughs.

So what did I learn while watching this movie?
!. When hunting aliens you need a "Riot Gun"
2. Small California desert towns actually do have need of "Riot Guns"
3. Newscasters of that day were more sarcastic than I remember.
4. If an alien kidnaps your wife you run home, grab your girlfriend and try to leave town.
5. Lastly I learned that I liked the Radar O'Rielly like deputy.


I couldn't help but come back and make another comment.

1. If you leave a 1957 Plymouth station wagon stuck in the desert an angry 30 foot tall alien will take care of it for you.

2. If an angry 30 foot tall alien picks up your 57 Plymouth and throws it, as it lands it will briefly transform into one of those old 'Woody' station wagons but by the next scene it transforms back to a 57 Plymouth with broken glass but no other obvious body damage. Must have been the radiation.

3. A small California desert town Sheriff Department had hand grenades in it's arsenal. That must have been one rough little town.

4. When your expensive "Riot Gun" is out of ammo you should throw it down on the ground.

5.The deputy could not shoot a lady even if she was 50 feet tall and tearing the town apart.

6. If you shoot a 50 foot tall woman with a "Riot Gun" her corpse will have no wounds on it.

7. That I still like this old film for reasons I can't explain except to say that it's so bad it's good.


If an angry 30 foot tall alien picks up your 57 Plymouth and throws it, as it lands it will briefly transform into one of those old 'Woody' station wagons.....
I caught that, too.

Couldn't believe my eyes, so I replayed it. How utterly CHEAP to use a "stock" clip of an accident -- with absolutely no attempt to make the cars even somewhat resemble one another.

Not a big criticism, but it's so dumb as to be funny.


Whoa didn't catch that scene next time I watch this movie will be looking for it now . Thanks Gubbio for your reply .


3. A small California desert town Sheriff Department had hand grenades in it's arsenal. That must have been one rough little town.


Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


LOL - These are all awesome ! Thanks so much thundercloud47 , moviewatchinguy , and DodgersRule for your replies . I know it's somewhat of an old thread here but we will just call it " a classic " like this movie lol . It's been awhile since I watched this wild classic movie ( perhaps since I posted this thread ? ) . I'm so glad TCM is still showing this movie from time to time on it's channel too .


PS - Excellent movie experience story here too thundercloud47 . I so enjoyed reading it here - thanks .




The taller you grow the blonder your hair becomes.


1. The best place to prospect for uranium is right next to a public highway.
2. .38 calibre revolvers and 12-gague shotguns don't have the desired effect on 30-foot, transparent giants, duh!
3. Old, dried-up butlers are better backup when tracking said monsters than your young deputy.
4. When a babe's bra size gets to 444EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, she had better be good at tying bed sheets.


He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45


Thanks oldblackandwhite for your reply . Great list also I especially liked # 4. just too true .


4. When a babe's bra size gets to 444EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, she had better be good at tying bed sheets.

4a. Bed sheets from a normal bed are big enough to make a bra and miniskirt for a 50-foot tall woman.


3. Old, dried-up butlers are better backup when tracking said monsters than your young deputy.

I wondered why he was taking the butler along instead of his deputy, but I guess that's why I love these movies 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


When you become fifty feet tall, your vocabulary drops to one word.....HARRY!

Aliens are see thru and appear to have large goiters.

Aliens love going to other planets with their favorite sports teams leathers on, complete with bulls logos and rhinestone

Sometimes when you're a giant woman, you want to be 12' tall, then, maybe 50', then maybe 30', then maybe 50 task again, because you're hormonal.

Bald aliens have very hairy hands.


1. If you find a giant footprint in your yard, it was not made by a Japanese gardener.
2. Shooting at a giant woman, while having no effect, is still better than putting salt on her tail.
