MovieChat Forums > Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958) Discussion > Question on the Alien (SPOILER WARNING)

Question on the Alien (SPOILER WARNING)

What do you think happened to the Alien? Did he leave the world in fear? He seemed upset when the Sheriff threw the grenade at him but it was never clear what happened when he got in his ship and took off. Could it also be he was to cause more trouble?


I gather the alien needed the 'Star of India' diamond for fuel.

Once he 'powered up' he took off.


I agree , the other diamonds were a dark colour so they may have been expended


If you looked at his face, I always thought he felt guilty for destroying the car.


I believe he took off in search of a restroom with a 50-ft tall ceiling and fixtures to match.


He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45


I think you're right, the way his spaceship was designed, it would appear that most doors on the ship are 7' tall, if there was a bathroom on his ship, he could only get his unit through the door. One can only imagine where he dropped number 2.


Maybe he was an inter-planetary jewel thief. He had to beat it after the fuzz found him...


One can only imagine where he dropped number 2.

I just imagined a giant number 2 dropping out of the sky onto some poor unsuspecting soul and it cracks me up 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
