Favorite line?

I liked the part when the nurse first comes into Nancy Archer's bedroom and sees that she had been transformed into this colossal giant. The nurse goes hysterical with shock and horror, but the doctor, without any hesitation, seems only to marvel at it from a scientific point of view:

"Astounding growth!"

Way to keep your cool, doc! lol

“That reminds me of a story that's so dirty, I'm ashamed to think of it myself.” — Groucho Marx


My favorite line is this exchange:

"She'll tear up the whole town 'til she finds Harry."
"And then she'll tear up Harry."


Local news anchor speaking directly into the camera,
about why Nancy's loyal husband couldn't possibly leave her.

"Come come now Mrs. Archer, a man can ignore one million dollars. But FIFTY! That's too much to ask, even from the man on the moon!"

Harry while being picked up by his vengeful and now enormous wife.

"Nancy no! Don't kill me, kill Honey, kill Honey!".... lol, classy guy.

" Cristal, Beluga, Wolfgang Puck... It's a f#@k house."


He's not saying "Kill Honey!", he's saying "You killed Honey!" Nancy had already crushed Honey by dropping a beam on her.


I'm quite positive he never said "You killed Honey..."
Whether Honey was already dead or not was beside the point. Harry's line showed he was just a selfish jerk. That was his role.

" Cristal, Beluga, Wolfgang Puck... It's a f#@k house."


Caption has it as "You killed Honey..." but it is agreed he is a jerk!

Fav line - Honey says when the hand comes into the bar "You're a Deputy! Do something!" And the Deputy says "I can't shoot a lady!"


Yes, I thought that newscaster was hilarious. It looked like he was really enjoying the role.

Maybe the director meant it to be a serious movie, but I felt the newscaster and the husband were enjoying themselves a little too much to be taking it seriously. The husband was extremely funny, too. He took jerkishness to the nth degree.

"Extremism in the pursuit of moderation is no vice."


One of my favorite lines: The outta shape sheriff to his deputy "come over here Charlie, and give me a boost"


"Hey, where's the station wagon, Chief?"


The butler tells the chief,

"We better keep quite about what we just saw, otherwise people will think WE'RE nuts"



Honestly, I don't think anyone would be screaming in terror like the nurse was. And Allison screaming about seeing a giant sphere, not even the giant at that point in the film, made no sense. She's driving like an idiot and screaming because she sees a giant ball???


"It was beasts who killed the beauty!"

Wait, that wasn't in there? What picture am I thinking about then?


The whole movie was hilarious 

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Doctor To Sheriff:"You can't use that on her!"(Referring to sheriff's rifle)
Sheriff to Doctor:" What do you expect me to do? Put salt on her tail?"
