When you consider the amount of money available for filming this movie, I think they did a good job. As for the space alient being transparent, maybe they REALLY look that way. Allison is beautiful. Yvette Vickers puts in her usual great performance. In fact, I think Yvette is an under rated actress. It's too bad she couldn't break out of her grade z movies.
One of the most hilariously bad low budget science fiction/horror films of all time. Oversized hands that couldn't fit the whole person in the room, a giant alien who appears for no known reason, and has a fascination with gems. Great characters who deliver their lines perfectly, and special effects that will keep you rolling on the floor. And don't forget about the product placement, hoping to make extra bucks for promoting a relatively unknown product, 7 up, at that time , not known as the uncola, just the unknown cola. TV Newscaster that scolds the audience. What a hoot. And the director changed his name for the credits.Amazing ! Truly an American Classic !
Caught this one on TCM last night and really enjoyed it.
Yes it's hokey, it's campy, and the special effects are horrible.
OTOH ... the acting over-all is not half-bad, the actors (especially the cops) show some great body language and facial expressions, and the characters have some hilarious laugh-out-loud lines poking fun at the social mores of the time.
High art it ain't, but accept it for what it is. I rate it 6/10.
Yes it's hokey, it's campy, and the special effects are horrible.
The giant hand in the beginning actually looked quite realistic. I wonder why the aliens hands looked more natural and Nancy's giant hands looked so fake.
Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
I really like this movie as well. It is not great, but very enjoyable. Just one of those movies that takes several little things and adds up to something more fun than it should be.
Hard not to love it - although there´s nothing "good" about it as it were. Hilarious film that poses a similar kind of dilemma when it comes to actually rating it as Plan 9 & Glen Or Glenda do - on one hand pitifully inept, but on the other a bunch of fun. Eventually rated it 3/10, but that don´t really mean sh-t.
I loved it too though I have to disagree with the transparent part since it wasn't just the alien that was transparent, but Nancy too when she becomes a giant.
Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried