MovieChat Forums > Sea Hunt (1958) Discussion > Why isn't Bridges included in IMDB's cas...

Why isn't Bridges included in IMDB's cast list

In recent weeks a significant number of TV shows have cast list that are so messed up it it impossible to know who the regular cast is\isn't. No where can it be found that Lloyd Bridges is even part of the cast, let alone the star of the show. It not just this show, a lot of TV series have significant cast list problems.

Anyone know what is going on?


The show he is most well known for and IMDB still does not list him as past of the cast, let alone the show's star.


IMDB lists Lloyd in ONE episode !!!!


I was just about to start my own thread on this, and I'm glad others noticed this gigantic bungle by IMDB. And they even list him last!

Tell them that Lloyd Bridges had the leading roll, was the main star and was in all 155 episodes. Go here:

P.S. Go to the bottom at Miscellaneous Corrections. Select Add 1 correction. Click continue. Leave Episodes blank. In the Type box, select Cast Ordering. In the comments box, paste this: "Lloyd Bridges was the leading actor and stared in all 155 episodes. Please correct this in the "Series Cast Summary".
