Sh!t Scared

Is Chuck Connor's intense glare in the opening scene enough to make a grown man piss himself, out of sheer terror alone?


Yes! In most cases, that steely glare is all the weapon he'd need.

Soy 'un hijo de la playa'


Thought so.


That steely glare combined with that clenched jaw would be enough to make most men piss in their pants. And the way he handles that rifle adds to the "oh sh*t" factor. There were a few villians that gave him a run for his money but Lucas always wins out.


Enough to make a man piss in his pants????? Seriously?


Yeah, seriously. Dork.


Then YOU need to wear Depends.


No, I think you need to go get your GED, because you obviously didn't make it far enough through school to understand hyperbole. Go ahead and look it up real quick so you can pretend you know what it is.

And for your information, I've had guns aimed at me before. And it wasn't in a war zone where I had an M-4 in my hands to fire back at somebody. I am assuming you are a veteran since you're talking such a tough game.


No, I got the gist of it...but piss in your pants because of a glare? A bit extreme...don't you think?


You apparently didn't get the gist of it. It was a joke. Hyperbole means an exaggeration.


I ain't no internet tough guy. I don't go starting with people hidden behind a pseudonym.


Best to you.


I am sorry to keep pushing it, but when I read your first response last night I was kinda shocked to see that somebody was taking my comment seriously. Then, when I took a closer look at your screen name (I typically don't pay much attention to them since they're usually not a real name, like mine) I realized it was some sort of religious name, and not some commie tripe.

Either way, it has occurred to me that you must be of below average intelligence and that's not your fault. And even though you might think that because my full name: STEVEN ROBERT WEISER, each name consisting of six letters, which would make me an Anti-Christ, I am a Christian and I forgive you.


What drugs are you on right now? You're going beyond ridiculous now.


Drugs!?!? Are you serious? I stopped taking my meds almost a week now.


The only way someone would piss their pants because of a glare would be if they're already guilty of something.


I think you fellas are taking it a bit far.
