Old Tony

Love this episode, liked that they gave Mark an actual love interest, would've liked to had seen another season so they could've went further with it, just wish that Mark could've been the hero, just once, the actual hero of the episode he's been an indirect hero before


Great episode! Think my favorite scene tho had to be when Mark sang Greensleeves...Also, you gotta remember that Mark was 2 yrs younger in the show then he really was in real life. Johnny was i think 16 in this episode so he was still playing a 14 yr old. Guess the writers didn't think Mark was old enough to be a hero yet, him pulling her out of the quicksand without him getting pulled in too...thus still making Lucas the ultimate hero. I agree it would have been cool to see Mark save her but no such luck.


That's true, but I still give Mark a lot of credit on his taste in females


They portrayed Mark as some "city boy" like Don Mahoney in The Deadeyed Kid. He just walks right into the mushy pit without even thinking. He should have known better and was more savvy as a 10 year old than later. Did he want to get stuck in the muck with her? Once again he relies on Lucas to save the day and pull him out.
