Barbara Nichols, SUPERB

The grossly underrated Barbara Nichols finally has a chance for a devastatingly tragic role. As Rita who thinks she is going to have a date with Sidney and then is expected to be a whore for him, she is heartbreaking. This scene is the absolute low point of Sidney Falco's moral decay.


Underrated but not unappreciated.

She had acting talent but never got the roles. She had humor and pathos without being pathetic. She could have done so much more given the parts.


I could imagine her in Arthur Miller's 'After the Fall' in the Marilyn Monroe role.


Good call! I can imagine that working quite well.


Although I've always appreciated her performance in the film, I never thought she was a match for Lancaster and Curtis. That's definitely changed, though.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


She should have been nominated for an Oscar.


She was fantastic! I felt so bad for her. Sidney was such a slimy little weasel.
