Well, Here Goes Nothing (Please Help)
Okay so when I was really young (five or six), I think I remember seeing this movie...Or a movie called "The Snow Queen" or "The Ice Queen". The snow queen in this movie looks spot on from how I imagine she looked like.
I have no memory of this movie except for a dramatic snowstorm sequence which happens after the girl saves the boy and they skate away or run through the storm on ice and in the scene you see the children escaping and the snow queen looking.
I feel there was a really strong dramatic instrumental going on during this scene. From what I've seen of the escape scene in this movie, from Youtube, it doesn't match up to what's in my head.
Does anyone know of another version I could be thinking of? I would appreciate any help. I feel like this was one of my favorite animated movies since it's stuck with me so long (I'm 22) and I feel so strongly about it.