MovieChat Forums > Det sjunde inseglet (1958) Discussion > What Bergman film should I watch next?

What Bergman film should I watch next?

So far I've seen four Bergman films (Here's how I'd rank them: 1. Seventh Seal- 9/10 2. Persona- 9/10 4. Wild Strawberries- 9/10 4. Autumn Sonata- 8/10) and I think they're all great. Autumn Sonata is the weakest one I've seen thus far but that one was still outstanding. The Seventh Seal cracks my All-Time Top 10, and Persona and Wild Strawberries are both in like my Top 30, or even 20.

Anyways, I really want to watch another one of his films, but I don't know where to go from here. I would watch Fanny and Alexander or Scenes From a Marriage, but those are a bit too long and I don't have the time right now. I've tried Cries and Whispers multiple times now, but I really could never get into it, though I've only watched about 30 minutes each time. It wasn't bad, I just felt like I would rather watch something else.

Here's the ones I'm open to:

Winter Light
The Virgin Spring
The Silence
Through a Glass Darkly

I would watch Hour of the Wolf but I can't seem to find it anywhere. All of those that I listed are on Youtube, so, if you can, please get back to me on this!

P.S. I have posted this on the Bergman board, as well.


The Silence is a bit strange at times, but it's very good


All of those are good choices. I would also recommend The Magician, & Sawdust & Tinsel as well.

Fanny & Alexander is a must watch, but perhaps you could watch the TV version with one episode per night or something?

Randy Pigford says a dream project requires embezzling funding, lying & ripping off the fans


Watch "Vigin spring" (Jungfrukällan) is my second favorite Bergman movie


I also recomend "the emigrants" and "the new land" by swedish director Jan Troell, they star Max Von Sydow and Liv Ullman :)

Fantastic movies and i think i read somewere that ingmar bergman was a big fan of them aswell :)
