The Shining....!

Saw some of Monster for the first time, today, Hans Conried's birthday. It's so funny, towards the end of the film, when the secretary and her daughter are in the closet, and the monster is trying to break in. Kubrick stole from this..! There's a few other scenes that are reminiscent of Jaws, and The Blob. Funny, how this little film was such an influence, perhaps...!


i agree, most definitely! i thought the same thing when the woman swimming was taken under. i said that was the same scene in Jaws! two lovers going swimming and down she goes!! and no sign of the monster or her... until the next day...

"only one food for the rest of my life? That's easy, cherry-flavored Pez. No question about it."


thanks for your comments, pathfinder...!


Heeeeeere's Snailey! :)

Reason is a pursuit, not a conclusion.



Cold sober, I find myself absolutely fascinating.


I think the inspiration came from much further back in movies. Check out "The Phantom Carriage" (1921 Sweden).

From Wiki summary:

At first, the couple were optimistic, but soon David's behavior drove Anna to despair once again. One night, Anna pleaded with him not to expose their children to his consumption (the same fatal disease Edit caught from him). When he refused, Anna locked him in the kitchen and tried to flee again with their children, but fainted. He broke through the door with an axe, but did not physically hurt her.

Watching the scene, I had no doubt that Kubrick had been inspired by this.

Also, the ending with a frozen Jack seems lifted from "The Last Hunt" (1956).
From Wiki summary:
In the final scene, McKenzie and the woman emerge from shelter to find that Gilson, though wearing a buffalo hide as protection from the cold, has frozen to death during the night...

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC
