Three gay men in the supporting cast

There are there gay actors in this movie: Robert Benavedes (Seaman Monty), William Swan (Seaman Sanders) and John Caryle (Young monster victim). I knew there two, but forgot the third one (Swan).




Is this a seman joke?
Actually, no. All three men are/were homosexual. Apparently it matters enough to them or others that their trivia pages and information readily available on the Internet clearly identifies them as homosexual. Out and proud, I guess. On my tombstone, I'm thinking of having it say "Loving husband, father, and heterosexual" just so I can compete. I think everyone should know that I'm heterosexual and if they don't know, I'll just shout it even louder.


I'm going to take this new found knowledge and add these men's names to the list of all the other actors in this film whose sexual practices I didn't consider while enjoying the movie. Won't be a thing if you don't make it a thing.

Seven out of six people do not understand fractions.


But NATURALLY, the aging, nerdy, balding, haven't-been-laid-in-decades
paunchy straight men on this board (and it's usually nerdy straight men
who worship these sci-fi films, Star Treck, etc.) have to get testy
when someone casually mentions that some gay men appeared in "their"
movie. No, their sexuality isn't important...but it isn't "wrong" for
someone to point out such trivia on a film board. Now, guys, go back
to your Penthouse, beer and Lakers game. Good grief.


What people mind is having it thrown in "their" face all the time. Just being gay is no reason for notoriety. If people, gay or straight, want attention, do something meaningful - find a cure for ebola or the common cold. Just because someone is gay isn't a front page headline.


The OP wasn't attempting "front page" news (it's imdb, dummy, not The Times).
He was merely pointing out some trivia. Get over it.


So what?


So what! Would it really make ANY differance if there were three gay actors portraying three straight actors or vice versa?? As long as they portray the role they are acting what differance does it make if they are gay, straight or whatever!
some people really do not know how to just sit back and enjoy the movie for the entertainment it was meant for.....gee


I thought this was a movie about giant radioactive sea snail like things....who knew it was actually about gay actors in 1950's sci-fi cinema? Are you saying THEY (the gay actors) ARE the Monster that Challenged the World??? Are you a homophobe???? FOR SHAME!!!!



Oh this is too rich. Why is it hard to find Bi-sexuals? Because you dont know which they went. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.

