Will the copyright holders please listen to the fans of Chaney + Cagney
We've all seen the ridiculous prices that the OOP (Out of Print) DVD commands on eBay..
I was quite disgusted when I checked eBay a day or so ago, and it listed there for $100 aussie dollars by someone in England - who basically states its recorded on a DVD-R !!!! eBay should be ashamed of themselves...
Now to the studio that holds the copyright on this, and released it to the now OOP status it is today...
Do the film fans a favour and release it to a site like archive.org - its not a classic moneymaker, brilliant release, etc.. but in doing this it will stop these eBay pirates, and you would be releasing a film that on DVD sales you havent made money in years...
If the studios are honest about their interaction and usage with the internet, how about releasing classics that you'll never put in a box-set as an act of faith to the ticket paying public...
Ive actually never seen this film. Just heard about it.. .saw a scene on the Universal Phantom DVD release (nelson eddy version).. just think its about time for the studios to start releasing films to public domain sites like archive.org to continue their enjoyment and to stamp out clowns on eBay who demand such an amount for a bootlegged version of an unavailable film..
Anyway, my two cents worth...