MovieChat Forums > Man of a Thousand Faces (1957) Discussion > Lon Chaney Sr. deserves a new/better bio...

Lon Chaney Sr. deserves a new/better bio-pic!

Seeing as most big budget Studio movies are aimed at semi-retarded 14 year old boys, it comes as no surprise that this riveting subject matter hasn't been given a new treatment.

A smart indie filmmaker could make a truly outstanding film about Lon Chaney Sr. without the need of 50+ million dollars worth of CGI effects, etc. Heck, one wouldn't even need to represent any specific (Universal) role/makeups by simply focusing on his fascinating personal life.


There certainly needs to be an accurate biopic of Chaney. I don't know if it would ever be picked up by a major studio, but an independent filmmaker could certainly do it. My advice would be to get Michael F. Blake to supervise the project(an opportunity he would surely jump at), as he's pretty the leading Chaney expert, and would have a lot of good ideas to add to it. Any independent filmmakers who love Chaney, please do this! We need this film so badly


I would love a more accurate version
