There are certainly a lot of plot similarities to Terminator 2 and 3 , a virtually indistructable robot from the future programmed to obey and protect the boy , the father of the boy also the creator of a self aware world controlling super computer coming to the realisation that the only way to protect mankind is to distroy said super computer . the super brain itself plotting first to enslave mankind and then ultimately wiping all life from the face of the planet ,even the iconic catchfrase from Terminator 1 ,,,, I'll be back! There are also many similarities in Cyborg 2087 to the terminators as well.I dont think the idea of trawling through obscure books and movies for interesting plots and ideas is one that can be laid solely at the feet of Mr Cammeron although he does seem to be quite good at it ,theres also a lot of plot points i Titanic shared with the 1930's Nazi version of the film...I fact even this film seems to have borrowed the idea of using transistor implants in the back of peoples necks to control or ultimately kill them. that theme appeared in the mid fifties version of Invaders from Mars. The real shame about this film for me is the main theme of the movie seems religated to the sub plot and what should be the sub plot with boy and the bit of comedy relief in it has been allowed to dominate the film has been handled very badly and crippled by a bad script and poor performances and direction........After spending so much money on Robbie in the first place and a fine debut performance he deserved a better thought out showcase for his second big screen appearance .