Boy gets spanked - a lot

I just watched The Invisible Boy this morning on Turner Classics and I must say that I have never, ever, seen a movie where a boy gets spanked as much as this kid. It wasn't really a lot but what I saw, before flipping the channel, him getting spanked by his mom, for flying in the kite contraption made by Robby the Robot and when he was invisible and playing a prank on his parents. I guess they were keeping it 'real' back in 1957.

Half of getting what you want is knowing what you have to give up in order to get it.


Please, compared to how a lot of families REALLY handled their kids, that Timmy got was the tip of the iceberg.


Please my ass. I wasn't talking about real life - I was talking about TV and what they showed on TV (spanking).

Besides, you're talking to someone that routinely got hit with a closed fist on the top of my head when I was 7 and 8 because I didn't write the #5 to his father's satisfaction (the last time I asked him for help with math was in 3rd grade - I stopped showing him the report cards in 5th grade after I started getting D's in math - because I "disappointed" him). That was just the TIP of the iceburg! But on the positive note, at 37 y.o. I came out just fine - and although I loved my dad, he died when I was 14.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Indeed...I suppose...though I haven't seen TOO many movies from the 50's so I can't say for sure.


My original post I was referring to how "PC" our society has become in regards to how we discipline our children. I grew up getting whipped with a belt and threated to be knocked off out of my seat, hit in the head, but I was really taken-a-back by how that little kid was treated in this movie because I have never seen anything like that before on film. Sure, I've seen a slap to the face, or taken over the knee in movies... but yeah, maybe they were showing on the screen exactly the way it is or was in the real world.

I guess I was shocked because it reminded me of what happened when I was a child. I know a lot of people wish if they had a chance to do things over again... me, I would not want to live my childhood over again - no way.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Yes, very common back then but still something not normally shown in a movie. This was also still a time when a mis-behaving wife stood a chance of getting a trip across her husbands knee for a good bottom warming.


My folks were married about a year after this movie came out and people would shout obscenities and throw things at them as they walked down the street (here in Sacramento, CA no less) because he was black and she is Japanese. So yeah, that time line was pretty F'd up for a lot of people.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


This was also still a time when a mis-behaving wife stood a chance of getting a trip across her husbands knee for a good bottom warming
She was probably mis-behaving on purpose because, she liked to be spanked.

I have 2 sets of twin boys, Pete & Repete and Mark & Remarkable


It's called discipline, before the liberals allowed the delinquents we have today to get away with anything because no one is allowed to punish trouble makers. I grew up in the 50's and although my parents seldom used physical punishment, children learned there was consequences for your actions.


I copied and put a quote from BigRich » Sun Sep 11 2011 19:53:54

This was also still a time when a mis-behaving wife stood a chance of getting a trip across her husbands knee for a good bottom warming
I was replying to that.

I do not know if you were replying to me or not, but I agree with you. Whoever said "Don't spank your kids they will turn out bad.",1 Doesn't have kids, 2 Was a spoiled only child or 3 Both

I have 2 sets of twin boys, Pete & Repete and Mark & Remarkable


Missed opportunities!


Who cares. What I'd have liked to see is the mom getting spanked


It was definitely open season on children back then. You could do whatever you wanted to a child and not have to worry at all about anything happening to you.

I got it from my father, but luckily got to watch him die at my feet at the age of 16. No, I didn't do it, but I wished I had.

I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood


I haven't seen one response on here about someone who was actually spanked, on occasion or even frequently, like the child in this film. The only comments I've seen are:

1. My dad nearly killed me on a daily basis.
2. Parents don't discipline children at all.

Because of some idiots indulging in #1, we now have nothing but #2. Now #3, what this film shows, might just work in many cases.
