MovieChat Forums > The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) Discussion > Perhaps a remake wouldn't be such a bad ...

Perhaps a remake wouldn't be such a bad idea...

If handled seriously, I mean. The blossoming field of nanotechnology opens up a lot of story possibilities.

Check out this site for some interesting concepts:

reply looks like it is getting a remake sort of


There is going to be a remake. It's a comedy version with Eddie Murphy. They should pull the plug on it now before it starts to infect the integrity of the original.


I don't know how and I don't know why but I am sure they will have to put CGI in this movie as well. There is really no reason to remake this movie. There are NEW ideas out there!


A remake will make people check out the original and realize how it is far superior to any remake.


A remake will make people check out the original and realize how it is far superior to any remake.

True. I just wish there was some other way to do it, that's all.

I was recently told that there is also a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still soon to hit theatres. I tell you, the needle on the despair-o-meter just about leaped off the scale when I learned that.

Far be it from me to tell all the Hollywood-types how much money they "ought to" be making. But man, if they can't come up with some original ideas, I don't see why they still deserve to make the Big Bucks. I mean, ripping off classic cinema like that (and showing no signs of stopping, either) is just plain tacky.


It won't harm the first movie. The only thing it'll do to the first one is call more attention to it, which isn't a bad thing at all.

"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde



I do hope that a remake gets made. It's too interesting an idea.


If Eddie Murphy is in it it will be a comedy, and this isnt a comic film. No doubt with a happy ending.


Perhaps you will find solace in the fact that, based on Murphy's recent track record, it won't be very funny, either.


I see lots of threads on lots of movies for and against remakes. Usually, I don't care. But this movie is one of the greatest SF movies ever made. I see no chance in Heck that a remake would even approach the class and quality of the original.

That being said, I still don't care if they remake it. But I'm sure I won't be seeing it.

The greatness of this film comes partly from the action and effects (which were excellent and would not be improved, I think), but even more from the perspective and thoughtfulness of the story and dialog (including voice overs).

"The more you drive, the less intelligent you are"
-- Repo Man


A terrible idea....I agree with poster brucedgo. This is a classic and odds of improving on it are nil, and of equaling it hardly better. All you have to do is look at the remakes of other classics to see how badly they ruin the original concepts and execution. Cases in point: Planet of the Apes, Day the Earth Stood Still, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Invaders from Mars,etc. How can anyone be favorably impressed with these after seeing the originals?


wasn't the incredible shrinking woman a remake of this movie?


except it was a comedy with a happy ending...sort of



I think a remake could potentially be good for this reason: there are a number of elements in the source novel that weren't expressed in the movie, probably because science fiction movies in the 50's didn't typically show a man/boy being threatened by a pedophile, a man dealing with the loss of his sexual relationship with his wife, a man having erotic fantasies about a 16 year old babysitter. If done properly a remake could incorporate those elements, and in some ways perhaps exceed the original. Especially if they don't allow CGI special effects to overwhelm the story.

"My girlfriend sucked 37 d*cks!"
"In a row?"


Yes...yes it would be. A terrible idea. I hate all these crappy CGI remakes where all subtlety is stripped out in favour of effects and noise. A TERRIBLE idea.

