I have quite a horrible fear of spiders and wish I could over come it. I have read the book and bought the film recently thinking I would be able to brave it out because I read the book and really liked it. When I put the film down I had a feeling when it would be time for the spider to appear and I was getting anxious before and so I had to cover my eyes before it came on. My mother said it looks very real and wouldn't be a good idea for me to look at it so unfortunately I didn't get to see the rest of it I could only hear it. I could tell when the spider would come on because of that music which made it worse and the loud steps. What did everyone else think of the spider? Was it scary? Do you have arachnophobia?
I love this movie, it's one of my preferred titles ever but unfortunately I feel uneasy too when the spider comes out down in the cellar. The spider looks very real because it's REAL! They used a real spider for most of the scenes and it was moved by hot air blows. Just like they did with the previous movie Tarantula. Jack Arnold for sure wasn't arachnophobiac! Only thinking about those scenes sends shivers down my spine! Furthermore a spider like that down in his cellar was something to give goose-bumps even to a full-sized Scott Carey!
Thanks for your reply danrexx. Hopefully one day I might be able to brave it out. It's intruiguing me but frustrating because I am too scared to look ):
The spider was of course real as it gets but I could watch it, and I do have bad bad REAL arachnophobia when even little ones appear on the wall. I can't stand looking at huge full page pics of mega close-up real spiders - they are REAL scary, and crawl out the page onto your face. Try that (hehe), and this film will be easy by comparison.
So I dunno why the film spider doesn't bother me. Maybe because the monster is in context of the film and story, and I would not miss any part of a monster or sci-fi movie I was watching, it was easy for me. I always turn off nature spider specials. Or because the spider was never REALLY CLOSE, so that you could see its eyes; or rarely.
Have you tried actually looking at the spider in this film? If it bothers you, dare to look at it a bit at a time - maybe from far away, like in the other end of the house - chanting the words "It's only a movie." Could you try to look at the spider in terms of (eight-legged) excitement or (furry) fascination as well as fear, and that you are letting this monster make you miss the best bit of the movie. Perhaps if you could gradually face your worst fear, as it's only on TV, it would go away. You must be like your hero Scott Carey and transcend! If you embrace the night black horror of all of man's worst fears like him, you too might be treated to ecstasy and enlightenment!
Even though the book doesn't scares me, the movie does, I freak out everytime I hear the music coming, cuz I usually get under covers since I'm really scared of that spider coming. I had a nightmare once where I was the shrinking man, I was in a cellar like in the movie, but then one of my friends I saw was coming down. I tried to get her attention by climbing her shoe laces, but unfortunately she went back up stairs, as I fell off then I saw that spider, and I tried killing it hella times like it was Rasputin. stabbing, poisoning, and shooting it, but it died after I killed by stabbing through it. I guess my mind is acutally freaked, but then I'm never scared of the spiders in Arachnophobia.
It's amazing how spiders can scare some of us so effectively. When I kill a bug, say an ant or a mosquito, I'll give it a swap but when I'm exterminating a spider I use a full(and frightened) fist. I've actually hurt my hand a couple of times as most spiders I've squashed have been on walls and I hit so fast that I'm always smarting afterwards. I want to make sure they don't have any chance for reprisal. I can't recall any trauma surrounding them growing up, I just know that they make me jumpy.
A suggestion I have for you that I think will work is that if you mute the sound during the spider scenes (you could have a friend or family member inform you when) you can eleviate a lot of the anxiety. It may sound crazy, but it actually works.I noticed how greatly diminsihed the scary scenes in "Aliens" were when a buddy of mine called and I muted the movie while I talked to him. It was like night and day. Then when you're familiar with the scenes you can add some volume.
I know what you mean about the music egb5000 it definetly makes it scarier for me too and the sound effects of the spider when it walks. The other day I did manage to uncover my eyes slightly and from a distance but I only managed to handle seeing three legs lol and that broke me out in a sweat but I will try turning the sound off.
3 legs are better than 2. You're 3/8ths there!!! But that's nothing compared to what I was faced with the other day, Miss Giggles. I had to watch A real GIANT SPIDER in my room after I woke up! That is the definition of terror. And helplessness. But I still had my intelligence. Though I was shrinking fast.
I don't know how JGDragov could swat them with his fists. I could barely get the broom in the room. Oh the doom. If I could just impale the spider on the broom...
Of course, if the sound test fails for you there is another way: Sit really close to the screen and scream. Could work in a couple of reverse sorts of ways.
superman1 I did it! very gradually but I finally saw the full spider I couldn't unfortunately stand it for too long but its a start and the sound test definetely helped and standing far away from the tv. I only hope it won't take too long before I can watch the film straight from start to finish with the sound up. So its not over yet lol. What happened to that giant spider you saw?
(That's the sound of 8 legs clapping) Wow Little Missile Giggles, you fired that spider. You have done what you thought impossible, so it shouldn't be long til you can do it all.
What happened to my spider also turned from terror to triumph. I asked it violently to go outside by itself. It didn't. Apparently spiders don't understand telepathy. Then I screamed at it to leave. No. There was one option left. As horrendous as it was to me, I sprayed it with spider spray, feeling the terror creeping all over me.(Did you like that?).
I determined to take both fly screens off the 2 windows in that room. But with one so close to the monster, how could I do it without it potentially jumping on my face - like an alien? Then I saw that one opened curtain formed a narrow shield between it and me. I succeeded. I opened the windows wide to the world. Then, with the broom - not unlike a giant matchstick - I coaxed the spider monster outside. At first it said no. Next it hid in the crevice of the open window. Instinctively I blew it out with the fly spray. I slammed the windows shut. It was done.
And I resolved: As spiders had dominated the world of night, I would dominate mine. As I had not spiderproofed my house, I would finally spiderproof my world forever. Nevermore would a giant of the insect kingdom or of the arahnoid penetrate my abode again.
It is no longer necessary to hypnotise you completely and cure you of your spider sickness (I've watched Paul McKenna's "I Can Change Your Life."). But here I offer, for free - for your freedom - the full certified course, in the hope it will help guarentee your final success.
Imagine hugging the spider... Give him a warm fuzzy right now, feeling his eight beautiful legs wrapping around you. But surprisingly it feels warm and safe, not scary at all. Now, look into his eyes - his many eyes. Instead of terror, you feel hypnotised.
You are now cured.
Failing this. Try visualising again, this time when you look into its eyes, you giggle uncontrollably. He looks hairlarious. You no longer associate fear with this furball with legs, but only fun.
you were great! I recently purchased the UK version and I eagerly watched it....until the fall in the cellar of Scott Carey, then I stopped cause I wasn't in the mood to watch 'The Multi-legged Beast'...
Congrtas to the OP! I am not afraid of spiders at all and this had no effect on me but I certainly understand and empathize with you totally. I am intimidated by some animals but there is one that I just cannot even look at and simply will not so I commend the Op. At least you faced it head on. Much props!
Many thanks for the cheers and superman1 I love the animation. I can watch the film finally and sat infront of the tv but obviously when the spider comes on I do get jumpy and still have to look away here and there and I am alright with the music now too. I did it all gradually and with a bit of force and it isn't quite as bad now as what I thought it would be I thought I would never ever be able to look at it and maybe it might encourage others who have the same fear of watching to give it a go because it is one hell of an excellent film and the book is great too. Thanks for the encouragement
Hi superman1 It's me, PCL Unlike missg, I am a hopeless case when it comes to this. Even that guy on Maury Povich who helps folk with phobias could not help me with this one. Nope. I really hate even thinking about them but before I tell ya what animal (Yup. I'm stalling), I must tell you that I adore ALL animals. I love nature and God's creatures but there is one that just drives me insane and I am considered by my friends and family to be a very solid, positive and extremely well balanced individual. I am very assertive but kind and down-to-earth but this critter will stop me from almost breathing. I almost had a wreck when I saw one while driving because I closed my eyes too fast so that I wouldn't have to look at this piece of $h!t! (Sorry) Thank goodness no movie has been made about them. It wouldn't make any money from my ticket purchase. No way!!! I loose all sense of logic when I even think about them and I'm almost embarrassed to admit it.....don't laugh...
You truly are a hopeless case, PCL. Now I understand why you did not speak the animal's name in your initial post.
Before the big reveal, I was thinking... snake? But more movies have been made lately about that than any other animal. Must be a cat then *giggle*. I was close. Surely a mouse would be scarier. I didn't laugh...everyone has their "pet" phobias.
However, congratulations on admitting your affliction aloud anonymously to 6 billion people. It's a brave step, toward a cure. You alone may have invented a new word: POSSUMPHOBIA must be the hardest admission of any to make.
Rest assured, I don't think you need fear a horror movie being made about them. Though this is more fantastic than any of those creature features!! Somehow, I think "Night of the Opossum" just wouldn't draw in the crowds anyway.
All I can think is you must have had some bad run in (I hope not with a car) with a... one of these particular animals when you were young, or mistook one for a giant mouse, or a monster. They do look a bit like big rats. Do you know the mouse, er I mean the cause? Or if it was it in your last lifetime, can you remember?
1) Try changing your name to PossumCelloLove, and you will see it works!!
2) Think about leaving poor... these special creatures out of your love of ALL of God's creatures - I mean that you do it, I don't mean think about actually doing it. They are one of the cutest. (Thank God there's no... not an icon for one of those beasts .)
3) Bare in mind, you are an amazing example of what the human mind can do!!
All I can think is you must have had some bad run in (I hope not with a car) with a ...one of these particular animals when you were young, or mistook one for a giant mouse, or a monster.
Wow! That is almost exactly what happened!!!!!!! I was about 8 or 9 years old when I rode with my Mom to a sick friend's house. Mom just wanted to briefly visit to drop off some food or something and she asked me to stay in the car until she got back. I said okay and she left. She could not have been gone 1 minute when as I looked out of the window, I saw this HUGH gray (oops, a shiver) rat/cat/alien/wolf/.....monster with a bunch of tiny, baby things on it. It walked slowly and methodically and all I can recall is that I could not move, but I was absolutely fixated on this thing that I had never seen before so up close and personal. I remember pink tails swirling around as it lumbered out of sight to whereever. When Mom came back, less than 10 minutes after she left, all I could think about was that thing. I knew what it was, I just never saw one in real life before.
I once dated a Marine who used to tell me about how they would play dead and how they fear me nore than I fear them. It's tough because I live in the state of Georgia, which is where the little $h!ts run amuck!UGH!!!!! I'm told they come out at night eating up cat and dog food left out. I love The Beverly Hillbillies reruns but I'll be jack spat if I'll watch Ellie Mae fool around with that critter. Yet I know I need to get over this too 'cause Georgia is home and I love it here.
I've tried going to Google and look at the images of them on the screen but it's tough getting past the snout of these little $h!ts.
I love your idea about the name PossumCelloLove. See, I typed that with no shivers. I may have to take your advice on that one. I'm getting kinda bored with my present user name anyway. That may be a start in the right direction.
Usually when I tell people this, they make light of it and I just keep brushing it off until a subject like this comes up again. It's funny, but at the same time, it isn't. Know what I mean?
Bare in mind, you are an amazing example of what the human mind can do!!
Very well said. I'll try.
Peace. PCL Better known as PossunmCelloLove
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt.
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I can understand how spectacularly terrifying that can be for a kid. I understand your fear now. It almost sounds like a creature from a horror movie, with tentacles. A bit like THE THING. Lucky you seeing that. Lucky they didn't eat you. Wish that had happened to me. Sounds more terriying than any movie. The multi-babied beast of Babylonian proportions. I'd probly almost treasure that fright, being a horror buff.
So that's what "play possum" means - playing dead. Every animal seems to have it's own unique defense system. In the human animal, it's freezing, or screaming.
Curiouser and curiouser - you know what scared you yet you are still afraid, you still hold that fear.
Ahh, so you've tried ggling into their faces, and that didn't work. Off to the zoo with yoo then! (I trust they have a... THING there). Remember, the snout isn't really Satanic, it's just that some animals have them. Like a dog.
What about cats though? Are you okay with them? Mice? Maybe you could buy a cat - and a mouse, and join them together - or attach a fake snout and see how that works. Call ya cat Possum. Then you'll soon learn to love $h!ts!
Yes, including I make light of it - so you can see in the dark
Shall I be that guy on Maury Povich, even though I haven't heard of him? It might not be so hard as you think. What if seeing the.... SHAPE-SHIFTER would happen now, as an adult, instead of when a child? What would your reaction be? Because you are still carrying the reaction of that child you were. Perhaps you could try to substitute a new reaction.
Though the strong emotion seems more powerful than thought, maybe if you think about it time to time, you can, over time, retrain your mind and reaction, by substituting the terror with one that other humans would have. See that THE CREATURE is harmless and can't hurt you, and that your fear is based on a distortion that happened just once. If you can start to think of that image in a new way.... who knows?
That's not really the form THE THING was, it was just impersonating a... one of those things!
One day you will look into the eyes of one of those cutey's until it hypnotises you and you will be cured.
I love your new icon that goes with your new name.
PCL gives TLC to possums!
We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our understandings and our hearts. - William Hazlitt
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly. - R. Buckminster Fuller
My Mom used to tell me that if you killed a spider, it would rain. Later I figured, if you Saw a spider it would rain. I quit killing spiders a long time ago, they kill insects that are Way nastier in the scheme of life
Hello missgiggles.im glad your not scared of spiders anymore.i have a problem can you help me?i dont want to scare you but im in my basement rite now in my matchboxand i do have my needle and pin 4 weapons.but im 3 inches tall and a spider is trying 2 eat me.im safe now in my new home but i have 2 eat and while i keep shrinking the spiders getting bigger.im not bieng a wise guy cause i know your not scared of spiders anymore.what do i do missgiggles?im verry hungry and im weak from not eating.how should i go aboute this ?how do i scale the mountanis cliff 2 get the food and fight the spider?thank you missgiggles your a real pal.oh really now im glad you overcame your fare im not crazy aboute spiders myself .so tell me what 2 do thanks .yours truly [email protected] ya
I have to tell you, I have arachnophobia myself, and after just watching it again for the first time since I was a very small kid - probably 7 or 8 or so - I think this is where my spider phobia started. It's difficult to watch and frankly I was squealing like a pig, but it's worth it. He does succeed in the end.
This is a truly great movie on several levels. You have to see this if only for the end. Sit with someone and just scream your way through the spider scenes. I'll be screaming along with you :)
harry potter and the chamber of secrets may have scarred me for life. Not only did I have to close my eyes during the movie but when I read the book, I had to stop and get someone else to read it to me. I don't know if that is classified as arachnophobia but huge spiders, read or seen, sure do mess with a person's mind.
What about Shelob in LotR (RotK) - scariest film spider of all?
And, lugeeuh, are you afraid of caterpillars? Eat one of them and they can transform your fear - old witches' tale, and remedy.
(I wonder if it was that episode of Ghost Story called Death's Head about moths that gave you butterflyphobia when you were a child, or if a butterfly landed in your mouth or up your nose once.
I can associate myself with people here I have never been able to watch The Fly since I first saw it when I was around seven I had never seen it, so I had no idea what I was in for at the end hearing "help meeee, help meeee" creeped me out, but then it showed a closeup of the spider's face, that scarred me :( I have never been able to face it ever since
HaHA. Yes they are a bit hairy, and with those fat, hairy legs, but no where near as bad as flying spiders would be. I think you maybe also had a bad episode of Ghost Story/Circle of Fear called Death's Head with the fluttering moths?
I have never seen Ghost Story/Circle of Fear and now I know I must stay a thousand miles away from any TV in case it should turn up :-)
I have a vivid childhood memory of staying awake all night because I could see THE BIGGEST MOTH IN THE WORLD in the corner of the ceiling and I knew that if I ever closed my eyes the moth would land on my face and eat my tongue.
Even today I cannot understand how that ceiling withstood the weight of that giant moth.
Every thing I know about structural engineering tells me that the moment THAT MOTH attached its ugly hairy legs to the ceiling then that ceiling should have come down
I HATE spiders but I could watch this movie. Somehow it being on the screen makes it more bearable. Now if one is actually in the room with me, watch out. I terminate spiders with extreme prejudice.
My problem with this movie is not the spiders, it it that it's the incredible depressing film. It seems like a good movie, but the fact that the main character keeps getting smaller and less a part of society without a "happy ending" where her returns to his original size seems too depressing for my tastes.
When I put the film down I had a feeling when it would be time for the spider to appear and I was getting anxious before and so I had to cover my eyes before it came on.
I'm only startled/grossed-out-by LARGE spiders....so it's not a regular thing for me in day-to-day life...but I was very creeped out by the cellar developments in the movie, and I just watched it as an adult!
The music makes the spider encounters very tense, and with the camera tight on the human actor much of the time, you don't know what's going on outside the frame, and if the monstrously huge spider is going to pounce on him suddenly....or come creeping out from behind the ball of string, or from the darkness between the steps, or what!
What helped me is I remembered that the hero survives till the end of the movie so obviously the spider will die in their big faceoff encounter. This got me through it. BUT i was quite jumpy!