Originally, the Universal Studio Execs wanted the standard happy ending where (by some miracle of Pseudo Science plus Faith), Scott grows back to his normal size, and he and his wife live happily ever after. They undoubtably became thilthy rich by selling the story and appearing with Edward R. Murrow. Perhaps they also sold the rights to that village in Los Angeles that's famous for producing things called movies.
When I first saw this, I was even hoping for a non-bummer ending because it disturbed me that much. I never thought that I, of all horror fans, would ever be saying anything that unholy, but I had to get it off my chest.
Anyways, Jack Arnold's response was "Over my dead body", and the rest is grim history. He obviously had enough clout at that time that he could get away with telling the suits to (Fill in blank) OFF!
Supposedly, Richard Matheson wrote the original story when he was very depressed with his career, feeling like the insignificant little man.
Hollywood became notorious in creating incredibly shrinking careers to many of its employees.
If "That's Life", then I'd dread to see what death is like.