As the movie begins Lt. Hewitt's patrol is riding through the southern desert with tall saguaro cacti. They see Indians riding, with hills covered with pine trees behind the Indians. When the cavalry and the Indians meet it is in the desert among saguaro cacti.
The fort Hewitt returns to is among pine tree covered hills. I note that the parade ground has a split level, like the forts seen in other movies like perhaps The Last Frontier/Savage Wilderness or The Seventh Cavalry. the attack on the Cheyenne village at Sand Creek features scenes in different locations, including a cavalry charge among saguaro cacti.
Some scenes in Texas where Hewitt helps the women defend themselves are in a desert with saguaro cacti.
The IMDB lists the following locations for shooting of The Guns of Fort Petticoat.
Old Tucson - 201 S. Kinney Road, Tucson, Arizona, USA
6 of 6 found this interesting
Amado, Arizona, USA
2 of 2 found this interesting
Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USA
2 of 2 found this interesting
Sierrita Mountains, Arizona, USA
2 of 2 found this interesting
Ironwood Forest National Monument, Arizona, USA
2 of 2 found this interesting
Tucson Mountains, Arizona, USA
2 of 2 found this interesting
Tucson, Arizona, USA
2 of 2 found this interesting
Iverson Ranch - 1 Iverson Lane, Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California, USA
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I sort of doubt that the fort with the pine covered hills was filmed in Arizona. Was there a fort set on the Iverson ranch?
I strongly suspect that some scenes were shot in a location with pine covered hills and/or used scenes from other movies.
I note that both The Last Frontier/Savage Wilderness and the seventh Cavalry were filmed in Mexico. If the fort in The Guns of Fort Petticoat was the same fort I remember from those movies, either The Guns of Fort Petticoat was partially filmed in Mexico or it used clips from movies filmed in Mexico.
I have found online stills from The Last Frontier and The Seventh Cavalry that show the split level parade ground in the fort. Thus the army fort set in The Guns of Fort Petticoat should be the same fort set as in those movies.