random thoughts about fuzzy pink nightgowns
1) so, why didn't they call the film "The Kidnapped Bride" instead of F.P.N. ??
sounds like "Fuzzy" would better suit some Doris Day movie as a title...
2)I quite liked Jane in this role-I don't know a lot about her or her movies
but playing a "star",both lonely and unloved,I thought she did that well.
3)I would have loved to see that beach house in color -what a great set !
WHY did the studio head have a GIANT photo of Laurel Stevens with
short dark cropped hair on the wall next to a giant pic of her as a blond -and
didn't want anyone to see her that way -just so Fred Clark could figure out it
WAS her he saw as "Rosie" kind of a cheap plot point that could have
been done better.