Oh Joy Of Joy's - Tabonga Is Back!!!
Hello to all you Tabonga lovers out there. Thought I would share a story with you about 'From Hell It Came'. I had this on video years ago (taped on terrestial TV until the video broke). My middle son - Jonathan - who is now 21 and has Down's Syndrome absolutely loved it. I tried to get it a couple of years ago but couldn't, so imagine my surprise when I got a text from my oldest son to say that he had just got it on DVD via the internet. He's 24, and like my youngest who is 19 we all remember silly old 'dad' being Tabonga with the lights out and chasing the boys round the house. I called Jonathan to tell him his brother had just got it....the silence (for about 15 seconds) was as funny as it gets. You could almost hear his mind churning!!! The coversation went a bit like this... "Dad...where's David...is he there...text him and tell him to phone me now..."
So this Saturday night is going to be a return to what I reckon is 13 years ago - I hope the film is as bad as I remember it was the first hundred times we watched it!
All the best to the rest of you...Jim