FROM THE HELL IT CAME not a bad film
I think alot of people who classify FROM HELL IT CAME in the It`s So Bad It`s Good catagory are for the most part people who do not have that much extensive screen time in front of the TV set when they were kids as many of us do. They look at this and think that because the tobonga looks so ridiculous to them, the rest of the movie must be trash also. A pretty ignorant and uninformed attitude if you ask me. They should actually try sitting thru some of these movies they all too quickly write off as garbage. In actuality it`s a fairly well-paced little film. It`s actually pretty straightforward and does not waste any time. It starts off with a native prince having a ceremonial dagger hammered into his chest because he`s too friendly with the island visitors some american scientists and I`ve always found the tobonga`a catalyst, a combination of jungle withcraft and or radiation rather intriguing and I think the acting is fairly good too. Alot of self-appointed film critics with not nearly enough screen time in front of the TV while they were growing up will say the tree-monster looks silly and write off the entire movie and leave it at that. Idiots. Another thing that is ignored is Darrell Calker`s music which ain`t bad at all. It sounds pretty professional and it has a nice little jungle beat woven into it. I think it`s as good as anything composed by Les Baxter and it certainly sounds exotic. FROM HELL IT CAME is not really a bad film at all. The only thing it is really guilty of is having a limited budget like so many other late 1950s sci-fi movies did. Hell, it isn`t even really all that hard getting use to Mrs. Kilgore either.