The original English dub used actors of Japanese or Chinese descent who employed accents. This was the norm in dubbed Japanese films for many years. Some people ridicule this but to me it's far more realistic than listening to Japanese actors speaking perfect Midwestern American English. (A young George Takei got his first acting break dubbing several characters' voices in Rodan!)
Of course I grew up on the original dubs of these films so my bias as well as my age is showing. When this movie came out in America in 1959 (two years after its original release) I was very little and wanted to see it, but no one would take me! (The TV ads showed Mogera but when I asked my older cousin the next day what happened to the robot in the movie all I got was, "Oh, they killed him in Japan!") I had to wait a few years until it turned up on TV. It's true, we don't see this and many other of the classic 1950s-60s Japanese sci-fi films on TV much these days, although TCM has occasionally shown a few.