The old days

It's sad that so many people of the computer generation cannot appreciate the art of men like O'Brien and Harryhausen. There was a time when special effects were mostly done by hand and in my opinion many of those stop action effects are better than most of the cgi crap that can be churned out in a few hours.The Black Scorpion is a great example of the quality that could be produced. Sure,there are flaws in the film and the missing scorpion at the end does stand out but in 1957 as in 2008 monster movies are inherently unbelievable and logic must be suspended to enjoy them.



Agreed. Most CGI dominated movies have no soul. These older films have much more entertainment value, even the bad ones. However, that Kate Beckinsdale is pretty hot!


These movies entertained you! The FX were amazing for the time. The stop motion is a dying art form, that gave "life" to the creatures. These old films allow you to leave the world and just enjoy.

"Under your skin like a splinter"


I agree with you wholehardedly. These movies have a certain amount of charm, for the sci-fi fans that were kids in the '50's & '60's. The ones they turn out today don't always look real either. They look manufactured. In the old days, it took real talent, today it's the computer that has the talent, and the charm is lost.


Ahhh...and the beauty of well-done black and white photography never gets old!

"You shot me... I can't believe you just shot me!" -- Meg Masters


I know, the good old days when the word come was totally innocent and not awkward atall.

Swear I'll punish the b@stard who decided it should be a sexual term, thanks for making conversations that little bit more awkward, ya jackass !


Love these effects, but the characters, plot, and dialogue usually were a secondary consideration.


True enough babettegillete. In the days when the studios were pumping out b-films in a few days quality was not the biggest concern in any genre. Perhaps that is part of their charm. Funny that today millions can be spent on a movie that is of no higher quality.

Take that finger out of your ear! You don't know where it's been!


AGREED; Todays films rely too much on CGI and most of time actors just stand in front a blue screen ! i miss these old films !


The stories aren't that bad either. Sure, they're formula but at least it has some science and a story.
