Any other movies like this?
Interested in movies with a good story telling like this. This movie had no action, yet the story telling was so good, the film kept me interested from begining right to the end.
shareInterested in movies with a good story telling like this. This movie had no action, yet the story telling was so good, the film kept me interested from begining right to the end.
shareI felt the same way, I couldn't stop watching and refused to pause it lol. I'm going to try "Rear Window" next hopefully it will be as good.
shareThe Thing (1982). It's a horror movie but it's pretty much the same idea.
shareAnatomy of a Murder.
shareRope (1948) - the story unfolds in "real time" and it all takes place in one apartment.
shareI don't know if it's just me, but I felt a similarity with The Hateful 8.
It also has much more dialog than action, and mostly takes place in one room. But the dialog, storytelling and acting were that good it was hard to take my eyes off the screen. I watched it 3 times in the same month - not something I usually do, especially with a 3-hour movie!
"Bad luck isn't brought by broken mirrors, but by broken minds."
Though not about a jury, THE BLACKBOARD JUNGLE (1955) is quite a lot like 12 ANGRY MEN so far as black-and-white, gritty realism and racial prejudice issues are concerned.
shareNot quite the same style; but, try Judgement at Nuremberg. It goes outside the courtroom; but, the bulk is set in the courtroom, with testimony going on. At the heart is the trial of a group of German judges, who carried out Nazi legal policies, such as enforced sterilizations and the removal of the Jews and others to concentration camps. Burt Lancaster plays an idealistic judge ho most puzzles Spencer Tracy, who is the judge of the trial. maximilian Schell is the young German lawyer who must defend the group, while Richard Widmark is the Army prosecutor. William Shatner has a nice turn as an aide to the judge and Marlene Dietrich has a small role. Also appearing are Montgomery Clift, Judy Garland, and Werner Klemperer. Lancaster's character is puzzling, as he was one of the architects of the Weimar constitution, yet he sided with the Nazis. At the end of the film, he finally says why, encapsulating the question throughout the film, how ordinary Germans could go along with the Nazis. It doesn't necessarily give a definitive answer; but, it does provide an important component.
Fortunately, Ah keep mah feathers numbered for just such an emergency!
Spotlight, The Accused, Les Innocentes (2016), Argo, A Few Good Men.
shareDefinitely this one:
Darth Vader is scary and I The Godfather