Confirmation Bias; not a prophecy
Ten reviews of The End of the World.
Only one worth reading:
Confirmation Bias bigshambala 30 January 2019
Amazing how people see what they're predisposed to see. There is no actual wall in the movie, its an umbrella. The guy is Walter, not Don - lots of Trumps in the world. The imbiciles he tricks are not just gullible, but delusional. Trump in the movie is stealing money for HIMSELF - MAGA Trump gets no money from the wall. Many Democrats and Republicans want a wall for the same reasons that celebrities and politicians have walls around their houses - so it's not like a town full of sickos. Fact: Walls are 95% effective against real threats, not imaginary meteors. This movie is clearly over-the-top propaganda against certain types of religious people. The parallels to president Trump are weak. Too bad this movie couldn't have been twilight zone-esque with an unexpected meteor shower at the end after the parasols were put away - just as a mere coincidence. No one gets killed except Walter, everyone else gets rich selling meteors.