MovieChat Forums > Maverick (1957) Discussion > NEW MAVERICK DVD RELEASE...


On May 20th,Warner is releasing the pilot film to YOUNG MAVERICK entitled THE NEW MAVERICK.
This is a great Maverick film featuring both Garner and Kelly as Bret & Bart.

Highly recommended for true fans...........

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I've seen Young Maverick and it was pretty routine. Jack Kelly once again got the shaft as he only appeared at the end of the movie. I wish they'd release the entire 1957-62 series instead of some made-for-TV movie filmed 20 years after the fact.


"I've seen Young Maverick and it was pretty routine. Jack Kelly once again got the shaft as he only appeared at the end of the movie. I wish they'd release the entire 1957-62 series instead of some made-for-TV movie filmed 20 years after the fact."

Couldn't disagree more !! While Charles Frank may have been slightly miscast, James Garner was excellent and the running gag of everyone misspelling the name Maverick was funny. "There's a 'k' on the end of Maverick." As well as the gag of everyone saying Bret's cooking either "needs a little salt" or "a little too much salt". Mud splashing on the Las Vegas sign when Bret first comes into town. Great MAVERICK touches .Jack Kelly is in it a lot more then that. He appeared all throughout the second half and he hardly got the shaft. Actually,both brothers did. But that's always been the charm of the series.
I agree the entire series should be released. Hopefully,sales of THE NEW MAVERICK will provoke Warner Bros interest to do so.

"Keep listening--you'll learn something"


Sorry but your memories of Young Maverick are faulty. Jack Kelly only appeared in the last 15 minutes or so of the movie. He appeared in clips from the original series shown at the beginning. Basically, Young Maverick was mediocrity personified as a made-for-TV movie. James Garner was good but he couldn't overcome the fact that Charles Frank was miscast as Ben Maverick. Young Maverick should remain in the dustbin of the Warner Brothers vault and the original series should be released. It's like a slap in the face to fans of the original series. I sure as hell won't waste my money.


First of all,it was called THE NEW MAVERICK,not YOUNG MAVERICK. That was the series. Jack Kelly may have appeared in the last half hour or so,but his presence was dominant,bringing full circle the "LEGEND OF THE WEST" and completing the story. It will never compare with the original series,that's true,but it never meant to be and thinking it would is asinine on your part. "A slap in the face" to fans
is a ridiculous statement made by a narrow minded person who,for reasons of his own,can't accept a small evolution of a character and would rather see Garner try and be a Bret Maverick 30 years old and never take into account that the character has aged as well as the actor himself. Your preceptions belong in the dustbin,my friend,not the movie. But even you,with your blind eye,realize that the more NEW MAVERICK sells,the better the chances of WB releasing the full MAVERICK.

Stop being such a snob. Every time Garner put on the vest,he was great as well as any MAVERICK production he was in.

"Keep listening--you'll learn something"
