MovieChat Forums > Maverick (1957) Discussion > What I remember after fifty years?

What I remember after fifty years?

Bret checking into a hotel, and giving his name as "Maverick...with one ICK." (I think there was another character who kept introducing himself as, for instance, Rodgers, with one D."

A saloon singer who sang "I'm goin' away, for to stay, a little while. But I'm coming back, though it be ten thousand miles."

After more than fifty years, those are the two specific scenes that I retain.


I remember how often Bret, and especially Bart got conked unconscious from behind. You'd think each would be constantly looking over his shoulder.

I also remember how often the boys had to go to their reserves, i.e., the thousand dollar bill pinned inside their coats. For professional gamblers, they were certainly busted way too often.
