
1. Did he meet June before or after college? 2. He was in the navy and went to college? 3. What year did Ward enter the Navy? 4. What would his rate or rank in the US Navy Surveyor? 5. What did Surveyor do in the Navy Seabees? 6. What did June and Ward earn their BAs?
Both June and Ward were from a rural area. Ward grew up on a farm and June went to Boarding school. Her family had money. Ward finished school and went college. The war interrupted college and he wrote June while he was in the Seabees. Ward was in advertising. Wally and Beaver were born in about 1945 and about 1949.


Was he in Advertising?

I thought it was never revealed what he did ???

What did ward cleaver do for a living? - Answers

What did ward cleaver do for a living?

His actual profession is a bit vague. He works at a trust company with Fred Rutherford, Lumpy's father. His boss is Mr. Anderson, but the actual work he does is not specified.

And if Wally was born in 45, then that would also mean JUNE got pregnant one year before the end of the war (which also makes it unlikely that Ward would have been able to get her pregnant while he's in the service and is over seas fighting a war).

Also found this:


>>Ward is a farmer's son and hails from Shaker Heights, an actual location in Ohio, which also has a suburb called Mayfield. Ward attended a preparatory school, is a veteran of World War II (having served as a surveyor in the Seabees), a state college graduate (majoring in philosophy),[2] and member of a fraternity, a responsible white collar professional, and an upstanding citizen. Ward met his future wife, June Evelyn Bronson, when they were teens. The two dated and went to state college together.

>>Occasionally, Ward is required to do some office work at home. In one early episode, for example, he works at home on a women's marketing survey

The MARKETING SURVEY definitely sounds like something related to an ADVERTISING business.

The TRUST remark sounds more like he worked for some kind of a BANK or something.


Did Ward attend state college before or after WWII? Was he enlisted or commissioned in the Navy?


Apparently we'll never know the answers to such questions, because the MAIN FOCUS was upon BEAVER, and no one considered it important enough to know very much about the backgrounds of his parents.

And even when he gets the class assignment to write a BIO about his mother, he makes stuff up about her because her he thought her REAL LIFE was too boring to write about???

Was there ever another class assignment to write about the life of his father???

After doing a search FOUND THIS:


Most Interesting Character

Beaver has to write a school paper about the most interesting character he has ever met. He decides to make it about Ward, but has a hard time deciding what to write.


Beaver wrote that, "The most interesting character I know is Mr. Ward Cleaver. He does not have an interesting job, he just works hard and takes care of all of us.

"Leave It to Beaver" Most Interesting Character (TV ...


You can also find "WARD reading Beaver's ENTIRE COMPOSITION" about him here at the 21: 45 TIME MARK:


Leave It To Beaver Season 2 Episode 39 Most Interesting Character



Can the Rate Speciality badge been well enough to see what it is?


What is a Rate Speciality badge???

Apparently Beaver saying that his DAD "doesn't have an interesting job" --

but "just works hard and takes care of them" was suppose to let you know that it doesn't really matter WHAT his father does --

because whatever it is that he does to earn a living--

he's also still doing the MOST IMPORTANT JOB of all (which is to take care of his family).


"Ward, you were awfully hard on the beaver last night." 😲


My cousin was born in 1945.
His dad was in WWII. I never understood that either but was hesitant to ask.
