MovieChat Forums > Leave It to Beaver (1957) Discussion > Beaver's cross-country trip

Beaver's cross-country trip

Who thinks it would have been fun to have a set of episodes near the end of the series about Beaver's cross-country bus trip? They could have filmed on location in various parts of the country, like having Beaver visit the monuments of DC. This would have been something completely different since the show rarely went beyond the confines of Mayfield.


I'd like to see them visit others parts of America. However, almost every Beaver-centric episode from Seasons 5 & 6 is unwatchable, with a few exceptions. Most likely Beaver-centric cross-country trip episodes would be equally unwatchable.

And how would they do that unless they took the whole family along? Season 6 Beaver-centric episodes with no Cleavers in them other than Beaver (to make the episodes bearable during those few moments when Beaver isn't their focus) would take Beaver's unwatchability to a whole new level, in a bad way.

Similarly, what kinds of plots would those episodes have? Probably Beaver would have to do something really stupid to some monuments. Maybe he'd buy fake feces at the prank store and then slip it onto the lap of Lincoln's statue?


Beaver's Cross-Country trip as episodes would be dismal. Imagine having episodes with Beaver and Gilbert on a bus trip with no Eddie, Ward and June? As Navaros said "Unwatchable.

I think it was best just ending the episode checking his itinerary where Beaver was that night, Wally on another imaginary date and maybe June and Ward would forgo the TV for a little pillow talk.


Now, you know that June would never allow her precious snowflake to take a cross-country trip alone, no matter what his age is.
And she'd make Ward put a stop to it.


It might have been interesting, but I could also imagine Beaver also getting home sick


He would have that same look on his face when he got homesick as when he found out there were three Lassies and saw Marlene drinking and smoking at Hank's.
