
As a graduate of the Naval Academy, I got a chuckle one time when Eddie was at the malt shop and was trying to impress some girls with the line, "Well, I was thinking about going to Annapolis,but...". I can't recall what his excuse was. Does anyone recall that and what episode it was in?


I thought Eddie told June he was planning to go to Annapolis. June says she thought he was looking at MIT. I think it was Beaver's IQ Teat. She mentions it to Ward.

In Lumpy's Scholarship Eddie tells Cynda at school that Stanford was dickering with him. I could be all wrong on episodes.


Thanks for the reply, Janet. You sent me on the right track. In "The Shave", Eddie mentions that he's studying hard this year because he's going to go to Annapolis. He decided in another episode to switch to M.I.T. because it takes too long to become an admiral.


was at the malt shop

The malt shop scene was not Eddy. It was Duke Hathaway who was an all-state basketball player and Mayfield HS bigshot. I think he was in at least two, poss 3 ep's.
I don't know how may times Navy was mentioned. Probably a few.
