AntennaTV is airing the first season again, and I notice Wally's hair is blond.
Yet, later, it was dark.
Did it darken naturally (most blond children's hair darken as they grow older), or did the studio decide to color it so that Wally would resemble Beaver more?
Sure, the show is in B&W, but Wally's hair looked almost black.


I've always wondered the same thing. Wally's hair was blond in the first season and got progressively darker. In season 2's "Cleaning up Beaver", Wally's hair is almost black and then it lightens slightly but it's still dark throughout the other seasons.


Tony Dow was a swimmer so maybe the sun did it. It was quite blond in season 1 and then got really dark.

Poor Jay North (Dennis the Menace) had his hair bleached blond and a waxed cowlick. Poor kid.


Also Wallys hair was straight when he was a blond.... later it got very curly and stood up like Elvis's hair.


In season one, it almost looked like he had highlights in his hair. Was that even a thing in the late 1950s?


Told my husband the same thing. Top looks blonde sides have black


I was blond until I was about three years old, then my hair turned dark brown. I think the change usually happens when kids are very young, not teenagers.
