
I could have sworn this show was called "Paladin". I remember watching it on local TV back in the 80's.

Man it was just a stroke of luck I found this on IMDB. Anyway...good show.

Sometimes, Just Somtimes, the joke's on you.


It was released in syndication under the title Paladin. Gunsmoke was also released iun syndication under the title, Marshal Dillon. Don't know why the name change.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Perhaps the lawsuit brought by Victor de Costa necessitated the name change while it was ongoing? Just a thought...I haven't a law degree and it's not my field.

MARSHALL DILLON's the title used for the 30 minute episodes of GUNSMOKE, IIRC.


I watched Have Gun Will Travel in the 50s and 60s with extended family. The old folks always refered to it as "Paladin". I think that unofficial name was in common use back then.


That while a series is in syndication and a lawsuit is pending on the name, there has to be a name change. PALADIN's the name the series used due to Victor DeCosta's lawsuit.

Link for lawsuit information:


It was common practice back then for a TV series that syndicated reruns while it was still showing first run episodes to have the syndicated shows run under a different title. This was primarily to avoid confusion between the sydicated episodes which may be running at the same time the first run shows were airing.

Besides the aforementioned Gunsmoke whose syndicated reruns ran under the title Marshal Dillion, Hawaii Five-0's reruns used the title McGarrett for the 12th season episodes CBS ran in late night to avoid confusion with the syndicated episodes run elsewhere at the same time.

When the shows ended first run production, they would just use the original titles in syndication.

CPD Radio Term of the Day: Frequent Flyer: A habitual runaway
