12 Apr. 1958
Hey Boy's Revenge
Paladin learns all too well how arduous easy living can be without Hey Boy's able help and, to regain his friend, must help him in a fight of honor and retribution.
CastRichard Boone
Kam Tong
Philip Ahn
Bruce Cowling
Pernell Roberts
David Leland
Olan Soule
Harold Fong
Lisa Lu
Dennis Cross
Lewis Milestone Director
Albert Aley Writer
When he returns home, Paladin discovers the Carlton has fired Hey Boy. He investigates the reasons for his absence and discovers a wrong to be righted.
We learn the real name of Hey Boy, Kim Chan, that he has not only a brother but a sister, Kim Li. It's the first appearance of Hey Girl (Kim Li). There's a wonderful scene of Paladin haltingly reading Chinese from Hey Boy's letter. It's incredibly realistic with Kim Li helping Paladin read the characters aloud. It speaks to a backstory of hours of Hey Boy teaching Paladin to read Mandarin Chinese.
Kim Chan's brother, Kim Tseong, has been working to build the railroad. The Chinese workers have been cheated of their fair wages and their food. Paladin must get involved.
TV Guide poll voted
Hey Boy's Revenge the best in television. It was directed by Boone's friend, Lewis Milestone, a film director. Wonderful performances from all thanks to Milestone. Milestone gave Boone his first break in
The Halls of Montezuma. This is one of the best episodes of HGWT. Don't take my word for it, watch it yourself.
Some things you just can't ride around...