I apologize for posting this a second time. At least this time there's a direct connection with the thread.
I watched "The Road" the other day, and was impressed with the acting and writing (though the story would have been even better had it been developed over an hour). I'd like to see more episodes.
Regardless, when Paladin is asked who he is, he tosses the questioner his business card! This reminded me of a MAD article. (Should you pass this around, please keep the source information intact, if only out of respect for the writer (Tom Koch). The poem is a parody of Sir Walter Scott's Lochinvar.
The MAD Treasury of Unknown Poetry, volume III
Tom Koch
MAD #54, July 1961
Oh, young Paladin has come out of the West;
Of all the horse operas, his show's watched the best.
The weapon he carries: a neat business card;
And with its sharp edges, many crooks have been scarred.
When ads are concluded, and stories begin
There ne'er was a hero like young Paladin.
He knows table manners; politely he bows;
He even quotes Shakespeare to some of the cows.
When he faces the camera, all smiling, of course
There's even a smile on the face of his horse.
The crooks skulk around, but they can't hide chagrin
At the guff they must take from this dude, Paladin.
He spouts off to rustlers Keats, Shelly, and such,
But they're always too busy to listen too [sic] much;
No one on the networks gets quite such a bang
Out of quoting long sonnets to men while they hang.
Some day he will get what's been long due to him;
The bad guys will shut up the smug Paladin.