MovieChat Forums > The Gumby Show (1956) Discussion > Family Guy reference to old Gumby episod...

Family Guy reference to old Gumby episode.

I am new to he imdb forums, and I signed up for this very post.

I really think I'm right about the reference to Gumby I noticed in a Family Guy episode, and I want someone to verify it (or prove me wrong).

Season 2, Episode 19 is the episode titled "The Story on Page One". It's the episode where Meg wants to go to Brown and joins the school paper, only to have Peter change her front-page story to one about Luke Perry being gay.

Early in the episode Stewie is walking down the street, and he happens upon a fortune telling machine (I think it's called "Zoltar Tells" or something like that). He asks it a question and hits a button, and then the machine spits back a piece of paper that reads "I wish I could weigh people".

People say that this is a reference to the 1988 movie "Big", but I think they're wrong.

Does anyone remember the episode of Gumby that I think this is referencing.. it's a very old one, from the originals. Gumby, Pokey, and a few others are walking down a sidewalk, and the machine only gives them bad fortunes. One results in a flower pot falling and almost hitting Pokey.

The problem is that I can't find either the Family Guy episode OR the Gumby episode to watch and see if I'm correct- but I really think I am.

Can anyone help me out here? I really want to know if I'm right. I can't find any mention of this reference anywhere.

- gummystar2

EDIT: Ah ha, thanks to a link that I found here, I found the episode.

41. Motor Madness / Weight and See / Mystic Magic
First aired: 11/16/1957
Guest star:
Global rating: 10.0

Weight and See: Gumby and Pokey stumble upon a fortune-telling machine. All you do is stand on it to determine your weight in order to learn your future.

In my opinion, this is definitely a reference to Gumby, NOT the movie "Big". Anyone agree or disagree?


Wow, I never thought of that. I too always thought that was a reference to "Big". Good job on spotting that one.


It's from "Weight and See", broadcast April 1967. The 1957 date refers to the older, "cookie creme" (HA!) Gumby eyes. The date needs to be corrected on a lot of thopse. the characters had at least three series or so..the Gumby's finally arrived more and more in the 1980s, but they could be heard doing the 1964-1969 theme song...

OT,Here's a laundry list of stock composers of the music, largely from the John Seely and William Loose, and later to this day Ole Georg-supervised Capitol Stock library that many have asked about 'round the web..

Henry Russell, credited here as a stock composer has the same name as that older "At Home on the Rolling Sea" guy!!
As for the stock composers, a number of whose works can be heard on PLAY PRODUCTION MUSIC, APM, UNVERSAL, and even (in some cases, at least!) on JW MEDIA Music, with CARLIN on the first two I named, having most, there were too many.

They were
John Seely
William Loose

Phillip Green

Emil Cadkin
with Loose, Jack Cookerly, Green, or Harry Bluestone

Harry Lubin

Roger Roger

Max Saunders

George Hormel

William Loose
Harry Bluestone

Dennis Berry
Stuart Crombie

Doug Lackey
Guenther E.Kauer

Hans Conzelmann
Gerharde Trede
Delle Haesnch

Henry Russell

Mahlon Merrick

Robert Mersey

Louie De Francesco

lee Jacobs

Victor Lamont

George Chase

Ole Georg

David Buttolph

Jack Belasco

Jack Meakin

Alexander Laszlo

Clarence Wheeler, himself known as Woody Woodpekcer's later composer

Irving Friedman

Conrad Leonard

And maybe
Nino Nardini, Gabe Pares, A.H.Wilkinson and A.King, as well. Sine Roger Roger did some music that wound up from time to time in Gumby, I would suspect that Nino Nardini was involved as well.
