Obviously Pokey was a horse, Prickle was some kind of dragon, I think Goo was a fish that could fly or glide. There were plenty of characters, who might've looked silly sometimes, were still obviously human and Nopey was clearly a dog. So what the hell kind of creatures were Gumby and his family supposed to be? I've been wondering that for years.
GUMBY, mother GUMBA and dad GUMBO=are cheerful clay critters with Gumby's and Gumbo's heads slanted like Ronald Reagan's hairdo/ POKEY=a pony PRICKLE=a dinosaur GOO=a fish/whale/mermaid NOPEY=dog DR.ZVEEGEE=evil scientist (only in three episodes, all 1967-68, "Prickle's Problem","Hot Ice", and "Piano Rolling Blues") PROF.KAPP=the go-to scientist-a blob! THE MOONBOGGLES=two seals with the icy Midas touch (an artistic variation of which was done with prickle in another late 1960s short, "Mystic Magic"), in "MOON BOGGLES" and the above Dr.ZVeegee mad doctor crossover "HOT ICE" FARMER GLENN=early day farmer who owns POKEY THE GOPHER=a lisping gopher in an early episode "Gopher Trouble" who raises veggies, assisted by Gumby KING OTT=frequently needy King of Roo that Gumby and Pokey involve themselves in CAD WALLITUR, his prime minister. Oh...and we can't forget THE BLOCKHEADS=Gumby's and the rest's silent pair of nemeses, one with G and the other with J. Two literally blockheaded beings. GROOBEE=3 foot high honeybee who builds crates. Seen in four episodes:"Groobee",1962, and mid 60s, "Son of Liberty","Prickle turns Artist" and "A Groobee Fight".