Sports Car

I have had the "hots" for Dorothy Malone ever since "Battle Cry"; I am crazy about this movie and watch it whether I can. One thing I have always wondered - what is the red sports car that Marylee drives?


I believe it was a Jaguar.

"Why don't you have another beer?"-Scott Stevens


So totally NOT a Jaguar. :) Nothing about ANY of its styling cues says Jaguar.


I've oftened wondered about the cars in this movie.
The red one is not a Jaguar unless the body is
custom. Detroit didnt make cars like these in
the fifties. They do not appear to be Italian and
have too much muscle to be British. Their mis en scence
coloring (red for Lucy, yellow for Kyle)lends support
to the idea that both cars were custom made.


Kyle's yellow car is an Allard J2 or J2-X, an English car with a Cadillac engine. Marylee's red car is a Woodill Wildfire, an adaptation of the Glasspar G2 kit body on a modified Willys Chassis with Willys running gear. About 100 were made between 1952 and 1958. Re: Kyle's Allard, 90 J2s and 83 J2Xs were made



Wow! Nice really know your stuff. Thanks for the info!


These movies should have car facts on the Criteria collection

The New York Rangers suck. And Sidney Crosby is a cry baby!
