Rock Hudson was never GAYER

In this film, he fends off hot Dorothy Malone, never once showing any sexual attraction to her.

Then he befriends pitiful Lauren Bacall and when we find out she's pregnant, she has no doubts whatsoever that her baby is her husband's doing, thus proving that she and Rock never jumped in bed in a wild moment of unrestrained passion.

"Don't call me 'honey', mac."
"Don't call me 'mac'... HONEY!"


So the fact that Mitch doesn't sleep with a slut or his best friend's wife proves he's gay?

Obviously you're conflating Hudson's real personality with that of the character he's playing.

Mind you, I'd have a hard time staying away from Dorothy Malone's character, but I can appreciate someone not being enthralled by the idea of sleeping with a woman who's already bedded every slob in town.


Obviously you're conflating Hudson's real personality with that of the character he's playing.

Well said! I can't understand why everybody is so obsess by the fact he was gay. Get over it!


Thank you, and you're exactly right. What's the big deal? Especially regarding his acting.




I think he might just have been more gay when he was ACTUALLY having sex with men, myself!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"

reply's called acting. What does a fictional character, created before a film was cast, have anything to do with the private life of the actor playing it?
