Credit error.
Ursula Howells played Mrs. Elliot (Mrs. Gilson) so how come Marianne Stone is also credited as playing Mrs. Elliot? I have seen this film several times and I don't believe Marianne Stone appears anywhere in it.
shareUrsula Howells played Mrs. Elliot (Mrs. Gilson) so how come Marianne Stone is also credited as playing Mrs. Elliot? I have seen this film several times and I don't believe Marianne Stone appears anywhere in it.
shareI've asked imdb to correct this, with no effect. Of course, Marianne Stone DID appear in "The Wrong Arm of the Law"!
shareI just watched it and IMDb has the correct information (Ursula Howells)
shareYou'll notice that it is quite a few years since I last posted - and it is good to see that IMDB have since credited Ursula Howells with both roles!
How nice to get a reply; my grandmother would have approved. And congratulations on getting a correction through. I have done this in the past, fighting against terrible odds, only to be told by a friend 'Why bother? Either people already know or they don't care.' Best wishes.
shareActually, this is the second cast correction I've got made for this film - so patience pays off.
As For "'Why bother? Either people already know or they don't care.'" The question says something dismal about the questioner - and the rationale is just nuts!