Tom had it easy

I was treated much worse in school than he was. I wish the other kids had just called me a few names.


Oh well, shoulda just pretended to fit in. I wouldn't have treated you so harshly. Just having a little fun.


"Texas Greek" sounds like he is a major nitwit, who has a place in this play as one of the bully boys. Gosh, it must be nice to remain a 1950's style adolescent all the way to 2010.


>> "Texas Greek" sound like he is a major nitwit, who has a place in this play as one of the bully boys. Gosh, it must be nice to remain a 1950's style adolescent all the way to 2010.

Hmm, someone's a little sensitive.



He started it.




I had the chance to work with Michael Jackson who was as brilliant as they come.
Tommy Mottola


Your post is pretty old now, but it certainly resonates with me. I experienced the same greater horrors that you did. For me, "T&S" was electrifying, its denouement (in the play more than the film) a sort of wish fulfillment.

"Believe not what you only wish to believe, but that which truth demands"


He go this PJ's torn off
called names
given the cold shoulder by all the boys and the teachers did not treat him well either


tennman3 says > I was treated much worse in school than he was. I wish the other kids had just called me a few names.
Like most things in life, I don't think it's necessarily what happens to a person that defines who they are. It's much more what they do in response to the things that happen to them.

These days people seem to think the whole world has to embrace who they are and if they have trouble coping it's everyone else's fault and not their own. The people who go and shoot up movie theaters or any other public places seem to hold the world responsible for their problems. If they knew all they had to do was organize and hold some rallies and pretty soon we'd all have to go around claiming we're all in favor of every type of nut.

Most people who went to school or had siblings has been teased and made fun of at one point or another for any number of reasons. Most of us seemed to have dealt with it and gotten over it just fine. I cannot understand why some people let it get out of hand and then carry it for life. It's really very sad.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


True, although the memories still sting, the mean crap of school bullies years ago did not scar me for life.


ilahilda says > True, although the memories still sting, the mean crap of school bullies years ago did not scar me for life.
It's sad to hear you say the memories still sting but how can they still sting if there are no lingering scars? It would seem they are there. They may be hidden but you probably are, in some way, carrying around baggage from the past. That's unfortunate. I think the best, maybe only, way to avoid carrying emotional baggage is to refuse to pick up that baggage in the first place.

Granted, some bullying may be worse than others but I think a lot of the escalation is caused by the 'victim's' own reaction. It may sound like I'm blaming the victim but I'm not. I'm saying just don't be the victim.

Bullying will always exist in one form or another. It's part of our nature and, like many of our traits, was probably once a survival instinct but I've noticed that a lot of what some people call bullying started innocently; often as a joke or random comment. Instead of shaking it off and moving on the target takes on the victim persona; adjusting their behavior, demeanor, and thought processes. The bullies around them, sensing their vulnerability and weakness, seize on the opportunity and the whole thing begins to spread and/or grow quickly and exponentially.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


Raw movies didn't really come out until the 70s.
