82 min version?

Are there any significant differences with the 78 min version?

Thanks :)

Science Fiction Horror



The Midnight Movies VHS version is 78 minutes. Can anyone verify what the cut scenes were?


I'm pretty sure it's only a film-speed difference, not a matter of cuts.

If you look at the BBFC website, it was passed uncut for cinemas with an X certificate in 1955 and passed uncut for home video with a PG certificate in 2003.

The cinema version is recorded as having been 81m41s long, compared to 78m24s.

The BBFC website states:
When a film is transferred to video the running time will be shorter by approximately 4% due to the differing number of frames per second. This does not mean that the video version has been cut or re-edited.

So yes. I don't think you'll find any other version or cut. It's exactly the same film.


From IMDb:

This film was released in the United States in 1956 in an edited 78 minute version under the title The Creeping Unknown

That's why I thought there were two different versions. But your post makes perfect sense since every source for the movie states the 78 minutes running time. Maybe there's an extended copy locked up somewhere.

Thanks subjectminimal :)

Science Fiction Horror
