Richard Wordsworth...Brillian t Performance
I've said this to any other sci-fi horror fan I've come across - Richard
Wordsworth's performance in this film is one the best pieces of acting I've ever seen in any movie...ever. He simultaneously breaks your heart and scares the living crap out of you...all at the same time. Watch his face and head
movements in the scenes where he's strapped in the chair at the clinic... he puts out little chilling harbingers of the predatory beast he's transforming into. And the scene with him in his wife's "getaway" car..bone-chilling beyond belief(..slightly hampered by that horrendous extra-loud dubbing of the wife's voice) And remember the tortured close-up of his face in that sequence
...Victor Caroon's last look at his wife as his humanity and identity slip away from him.
An immortal film performance.