MovieChat Forums > The Quatermass Xperiment (1956) Discussion > First of the Found Footage Films - SPOIL...

First of the Found Footage Films - SPOILERS


The scene where Quatermass and his colleagues are watching the footage of the three astronauts. The astronauts see something which we and the scientists don't.

Scary in its subtlety. What did they see?

Segment made effective use of the "found footage" motif.

I still shudder to wonder exactly what they saw - and what caused the surviving astronaut to morph into an alien creature.

Old School at its best, which also influenced the later New School.


COMET TV (coat hanger antenna for we non cable people) just ran the film a few nights ago I believe I saw the film in '55 in the theaters as an 11 years old. What in hell were my parents doing sending me to the movies alone at that age. The "found footage" bit stayed with me. Being silent footage is had of course a nightmarish aura. The film is still very unsettling- the survivor was fighting being taken over-his torment was evident yet he couldn't talk. The part where someone got close
to him mouth and saying I think he is saying "help me" was horrific for a child to see. But the most horrific thing for a child to witness is seeing adults back away from something not shown. If adults -our guardians and protectors- back away in fear - what is the fate of a young child who depends upon adults to save or rescue them. I doubtl the screenplay guy thought about how the film might affect a very young person.
